Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pastry Pie Recipes Dates

Pastry Pie recipes Dates | insurance recipes

Materials to make Pie Pastry Dates:
  • 50 grams sugar, puree
  • 125 gr Margarine
  • 250 g Wheat Flour
  • Egg-Yolk 1 egg
Cake Ingredients:
  • 80 g Sugar Sand
  • 75 gr Butter Cream
  • 60 g Wheat Flour
  • Milk Powder 15 gr
  • Egg-Yolk 8 Grain
  • Butter Cream ready for use
  • Dates, Belah two
How to Make a Pie Pastry Dates:
  • Skin: Beat the sugar sand and margarine until smooth, put the egg yolks and beaten flat. After that, add the flour and mix well
  • Enter the pie dough in the mold beroles margarine, stick a fork prick bottom with
  • Cake: Beat eggs dankuning granulated sugar until fluffy, put the flour and milk powder, mix well. Enter and cream the butter and mix well.
  • Pour the cake batter over the pie shell, bake in 170 C oven until done.
  • Lift
  • Add cream butetr, attach dates, according dengans elera ornamental. Serve.