Sunday, July 5, 2009

food gudeg food is typical of the city yogyakarta - DIY

food gudeg food is typical of the city yogyakarta - DIY
All are sure to know gudeg. Food from the original Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat (yogyakarta). So not surprisingly, in addition to the city called Yogyakarta city students also often called the city Gudeg. Various gudeg often sold with the name of the author as Gudeg Bu Citro that the ditch. Nah, I will tell about Gudeg Pakde Gon. Gudeg Pakde only have Gon Citeureup in the area of West Java. Right in front of a market not far from perempatan Citeureup. Gudegnya mak nyusss! Sayang aja pak Bondang had never visited there, because the place was quite nyempil! I moved Pakde, to Pondok Indah!

how to make food KALEDO (Specific Palu - Central Sulawesi - Indonesia)

how to make food KALEDO (Specific Palu - Central Sulawesi - Indonesia)
Meat and cow leg bones - 1 Kg 
Raw tamarind - 5 segment length 
Green chili sauce - 15 grains 
Secukupnya salt. 

Making ways: 

Wash meat and cow leg bones to clean 
Jerang water in saucepan until boiling 
Enter the beef bones and meat, cook until soft 
Discard water and tiriskan stew meat, and water in saucepan jerang other, re-enter the meat has cooked, this is needed to reduce the fat in water stew 
After boiling water, salt caberawit enter the green, penyedap taste, and tamarind to the stew meat and bones 
Close and return to stew meat and cooked cow leg bones 
Serve in a warm, give it as a fried onion topping brace aroma. 
Add orange suit taste.