Sunday, July 12, 2009

Green Banana Ice berbuka the typical food makassar : Indonesia

Pisang Ijo is the typical food makassar. this menu is found in general at the time makassar Ramadan. . this food is similar to the one of the other food on the menu so, the pallu Butung, what is the difference Butung pallu NGK pisangnya flour is covered with skin that is green. although both the menu together based banana. 

But how to make banana ijo as follows: 


40 grams of rice flour 
1 / 2 teaspoon salt 
300 ml water 
100 ml water leaves suji 
3 drops green coloring 
175 gram rice flour 
5 bananas that old king 
es serut 
red syrup (think banana Ambon) 
650 ml coconut milk (the sauce) 
50 grams tepungh wheat (the sauce) 
75 grams of sugar (the sauce) 
1 sheet pandan leaves (of the sauce) 
1 / 4 teaspoon salt (material sauce 

10 tsp peanut sangrai already rough grinding 

How to prepare: 
1. Aduk rice flour, salt, water, water suji leaf, green coloring boiled ago 
while stirred until boiling, lift. 
2. Add rice flour, the average ago slosh slosh again until pure (not 
sticky). Tipiskan dough, balutkan on bananas until closed. 
3. Banana steam for 20 minutes. Lift and sisihkan. 
4. Boil the sauce until boiling, lift dinginkan ago. 
5. Cut-cut green bananas, pour sauce, ice serut, and red syrup. 

6. taburkan peanuts that have been rough grinding. 

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