Sunday, July 12, 2009

urry banana blossom typical food of indonesia

2-3 bananas jatung fruit, peeled up the white aja, in godok ago discarded until soft water. Heart that is soft on the earlier cut into pieces small and separate first. 

3 tbsp curry spices 
1-2 pieces onion, sliced 
2 tbsp mustard seed 
curry leaf / curry leaves secukupnya. 
Thick coconut milk from a coconut / coconut milk Kara 1 / 2 dos 
love & smile 

Tumis onion in a little oil, and enter the curry spices, and give water tumis little thrifty aja biar ngga dry. I already smell it raw ingredients to enter the heart pisangnya average. after that give it its thick coconut milk and add the water. after boiling enter its mustard seeds and leaves karenya. while didihkah poke poke lk 10 minutes, turn off fire and serve

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