Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fresh Seafood Market: Soft Shelled Crab Dish Kemala Beach

Jakarta - white sands and lapping waves. Balinese Gamelan floated. Black and white fabric poleng menyalut wooden poles. Leaf decoration hanging in the wind-juntai. In the kitchen, Kadek betutu busy to cook chicken. But, you know, how come there are passing coal barge?

Wait a minute! The atmosphere is very m-Bali, it was not on the island, but in a piece of the east coast of Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. This restaurant had a successful replication of Bali in distant lands.

Kemala Beach has long become a tourist destination Aberdeen residents. The beach clean. On this beach can be rented jetski, banana boat, and many other coastal attractions. On weekends, the beach is becoming more crowded because of the many people off fatigue and stress here.

Of course they do not eat skadar wind. In this Kemala beach there is one long building that accommodate a variety of dining facilities. Various types of food offered by each restaurant there. There are Arab foods, Manado, Chinese, as well as coffee shops and cafes to simply kongkow. Best and most extensive tip occupied by Dapoer Jimbaran.

Jimbaran offers a variety of seafood to be processed in Bali - much like the commonly offered in the original along Jimbaran beach in Bali there. For the record, which in Jimbaran is also similar style seafood restaurant in Makassar, Thailand, and elsewhere - that is the style of fresh seafood market. Visitors come to choose fresh fish, and then select the type of cuisine for the "complete" protein that is selected.

That afternoon I chose the grilled red snapper (600 g, USD 75 thousand), soft-shelled crabs (500 grams, Rp 62 thousand), and saute the spinach.

Fresh red snapper baked plain. After reaching half-baked, dibalur with herbs and spices typical Balinese (base genep). This is indeed a very unique Balinese way different from the way people Makassar "finish" the fish in the embers of the fire. Therefore, the results were definitely different. On this basis, our assessment of fish grilled / roast had to be fair. It should be apple to apple. How to burn fish traders in Muara Karang was different again, with different outcomes.

Balinese grilled fish produces a slightly charred finish due to caramelization-spice marinade. Moist-ness fish meat is no longer natural because it's too infiltration marinade is cooked. Several times I ate grilled fish in Bali with friends Jakarta, most of them the same comment: "Why not use soy sauce, huh?" As if obligatory grilled fish seasoned with soy sauce.

This is what actually I've mentioned as a caveat at the top. Before the judge, first know its uniqueness. For me, grilled snapper prepared in the kitchen Jimbaran Kadek is worth 8. Fried soft shelled crabs worth 9. Only fried flour seasoned with a minimalist, fried soft-shelled crabs Jimbaran is a dish that should be tested if you have time stop by here.

In East Kalimantan, usually large-sized crabs - including large-size soft-shelled crabs - imported from Tarakan. In this Jimbaran sokanya crab was very fresh, clean, tasty, and leaving a clean palate in the oral cavity. There is no oily residue or taste fishy. (Bondan Winarno)

Dapoer Jimbaran
Jl. General Sudirman
Kemala Beach
0542 440808, 419 111

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