Thursday, March 24, 2011

Restaurant With a Pirate Theme

Jakarta - There are-there are ways of restaurateur attract visitors. Various in-exploration theme to make guests feel at home interested and then hang it in place.

Calico "borrowed" the settings and the theme of pirates. Calico itself has many meanings. Common we all know, is another name for calico fabric blacu. Calico is also the name of a town in California who in the past known in the heyday of gold mining there.

However, Calico also been associated with the pirates, aka pirate. At the beginning of the 18th century, a nakoda named John Rackham from the United Kingdom known as the most successful pirates in the Bahamas. "Keperkasaannya" as a pirate recognized people by giving the name of hero: Calico Jack. John Rackham is also the Jolly Roger flag introduce - picture of a skull and crossed bones in the lower leg - which later became the emblem of the pirate world.

Calico Resto is, of course, filled with knick-knacks bearing the Jolly Roger, pirate ships and decorative elements. There is a replica of the brewery (brewery installation), so impressed the pirates ... er, guest ... were actually being in a small brewery.

Menu at Calico mostly featuring Continental cuisine with the addition of several Asian menu like tom yam, oxtail soup, fried rice, and Indian curry. In addition to beer, of course, here also is a variety of mocktails (cocktails without alcohol), and other refreshments.

I ordered a tropical summer salad (USD 22 thousand) and chicken steak bell pepper (USD 24 thousand). In terms of price, we can immediately guess that Calico is a character dining with a friendly price. Quality of food also did not disappoint. Though priced at reasonable, but no attempt to show the best. For individual menus, the most expensive price is USD 35 thousand.

Tropical summer salad comes with an attractive appearance. I am actually somewhat surprised that the salad leaves used were Romain lettuce is crunchy and expensive, with slices of fresh fruit flavor and sweet-sour dressing.

Chicken pepper steak is also looking good. Even if raw material price of chicken is pretty cheap, but with performances like this is actually very decent for the price level priced at USD $ 30-thousands.

Other options on the menu that seems to be attempted on the following requests, among other things: fried mushroom appetizer ($ 25 thousand), wild crab cream soup (USD 14 thousand), seafood pasta (USD 28 thousand), tortugan grill (beef, USD 35 thousand). Fish & chips it also seems to be booked many guests here.

If you happen to pass Kemang during lunch break, drive the vehicle to the Calico, and Stop and rest for a moment to ngadem over lunch. Hey, you know too many mothers are gathering here. Ngarep dikerling pirate, kaleee? (Bondan Winarno)

Grill & Brewery
Jl. Bangka Raya 37
South Jakarta
021-021 - 7182118 / 021-91276547

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