Thursday, March 24, 2011

Soft Marine Fish Dishes Savory Mushroom Sauce 'Mushroom on Snow'

Bali - Fish are derived from deep sea is indeed famous because of its pure white like snow. Taste delicious soft flesh and crunchy wrapped in a flour batter. Siraman mushroom sauce makes this fish dish more caressing tongue. Especially enjoyed the evening breeze blowing in Nusa Dua!

Nusa Dua is synonymous with the convention. But that does not mean there is a nice and beautiful to be enjoyed. One is the area of ​​Bali Collection. The region that contains a variety of souvenir shops, restaurants and large department stores could indeed be filler spending time with convention participants who generally stay in the hotels area of ​​Nusa Dua.

Among the rows of souvenir shops there are a variety of other shops such as boutiques, shops spa fragrances, sports equipment shop and of course various types of restaurants. Like the Japanese restaurant, Italian, seafood and Balinese cuisine restaurant. What caught my attention precisely the restaurant which is in the midst of this beautiful region, Sea Weed Restaurant.

Displays a variety of fresh seafood and friendly greeting waiter made me decide to enjoy seafood as dinner. Area open a la alfresco dining makes the atmosphere even more comfortable. Breezy evening breeze could be felt while mneyantap dish. List of the proffered menu was immediately attracted my attention. Hmm ... variety of fresh seafood? Definitely tempting!

My first choice fell on Mushroom on Snow (USD 75,000). Snow Fish is rather seldom served at various restaurants. Fish are derived from the deep ocean is as clean as snow-white flesh color with a very soft texture. Usually a mainstay restaurant dish in Korea and Thailand.

Autumn Calamari (USD 57,000), which form a unique dish of squid to be second choice. It's been a while because I did not taste the meat chewy squid is tasty. Moreover, this one is given a special flavor. Well, it's already not wait to taste this special seafood dish.

As an opener, which is served fresh green salad with mayonnaise sauce is actually compelling. Because there are pieces of wakame seaweed alias as a complement. Fresh chewy wakame into a fitting opener for a tasty seafood dish.

Mushroom on Snow presented in beautiful order. Snow fish fillet wrapped pieces of dough are tasty crunchy PANIR. As a direct cut krenyes crisp, while the white meat fish that clean gently poking from the inside. It was tasty, soft, softer even than Gindara fish texture. This is the advantage that is not owned snow fish other marine fish.

When dicocol with Mushroom Sauce, Savory feels more comfortable. Sliced ​​fresh champignon mushrooms in the sauce adds a delicious fresh chewy texture. As a complement, Mustard Potato, boiled potatoes cut the mustard sauce wrapped in a savory fragrance. Also various vegetables membaut setup this dish so completely delicious.

The next charm comes from the Autumn Calamari. Two tail yellowish squid wrapped yellow sauce smelled savory nose piercing. Hmm ... how tasty is not stroking the tongue? Fried squid dry with a given egg flour dough. Once this is just squid mixed with salted egg sauce.

Taste delicious steady deeply felt strong on the tongue. Firstly because krenyes savory taste mealy squid and the second because of the sandy texture of savory sauce boiled salted egg yolk. It is usually fried shrimp wrapped in salted egg yolk sauce. It turned out more awesome cumipun sauce is delicious with a bandage.

A glass of Tequila Green Lagoon (Rp 80,000), my message to rinse the savory taste in the mouth. Beverage concoction consisting of tequila, rum and grenadine syrup is slightly sour taste sweet. Tampilannyapun no less beautiful. Green color with a red base is special because it sprinkled with seaweed.

O la la, who says the seafood should be enjoyed at Jimbaran beach. In a seafood dish even this area you can enjoy delicious nan. So, if you get caught up in conventions in this area, this place could be an option to fill the stomach and eye wash. Stop by yuk!

Sea Weed
Bali Collection
Nusa Dua Tourism Regions
BTDC Complex
Nusa Dua, Bali
Open at 10.00 pm - 22.00 pm
Tel. 0361-775693

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